Books by Adam Nicolson
Adam Nicolson is the author of books on landscape and place (Sea Room, Sissinghurst, Perch Hill), on birds (The Seabird’s Cry) and on literature and history (The Gentry, The Mighty Dead, The Making of Poetry and When God Spoke English). He is the winner of the Wainwright, Ondaatje, William Heinemann and Somerset Maugham prizes.
“If we try to understand the world just by intuiting it, we will just be amorphous. If we try to understand the world just by dissecting it, we will kill it. Adam Nicolson’s achievement is to show that these two ways of describing the world to ourselves are complementary rather than antagonistic.” Read more...
The Best Nature Writing of 2017
Charles Foster, Medical Scientist
Sea Room
by Adam Nicolson
A classic work of landscape writing from the author of The Seagull's Cry and The Mighty Dead.
Interviews with Adam Nicolson
The Tempest
by William Shakespeare -
Photographic Guide to the Sea & Shore Life of Britain & North-west Europe
by Alex Rogers, Benedict Hextall & Ray Gibson -
The Presocratic Philosophers
by G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven & M. Schofield -
Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot
by P. H. Gosse -
Setting Foot on the Shores of Connemara and other writings
by Tim Robinson
The best books on Tides and Shorelines, recommended by Adam Nicolson
The best books on Tides and Shorelines, recommended by Adam Nicolson
The tidal zone is among the most vital and dynamic environments on Earth, but also one of the least well known. Here, the author Adam Nicolson explores formative works on the subject that have informed his book, The Sea Is Not Made of Water.
Interviews where books by Adam Nicolson were recommended
The best books on The Scottish Highlands, recommended by Annie Worsley
The Scottish Highlands are known for the stark splendour of the landscape and the bellowing of the stags. They have inspired many classic works of poetry and nature writing, says Annie Worsley—the author of a memoir set on Scotland’s rugged north west coast. Here, she recommends five books on the Scottish Highlands that portray the people and their place.
'The Voyage of St Brendan,' in The Age of Bede
edited by J.F. Webb and D.H. Farmer -
Sea Room
by Adam Nicolson -
Selkirk's Island: The True and Strange Adventures of the Real Robinson Crusoe
by Diana Souhami -
A Woman in the Polar Night
by Christiane Ritter -
Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Never Set Foot On and Never Will
by Judith Schalansky
The best books on Islands, recommended by Gavin Francis
The best books on Islands, recommended by Gavin Francis
Generations of writers, explorers and armchair travellers have found a focal point of fascination in the idea of the remote island. Why so? Gavin Francis, the award-winning writer, explains the everlasting appeal of the lonely isle – and why the fantasy is at least as powerful as the salt-sprayed reality – as he selects five of the best books on islands.
The best books on Silence, recommended by Sara Maitland
Modern Western societies often seem to be intolerant of silence. Why should this be? And is there any alternative? The author of “A Book of Silence” explains
Swimming With Seals
by Victoria Whitworth -
Animals Strike Curious Poses
by Elena Passarello -
Science and Spiritual Practices: Transformative Experiences and their Effects on our Bodies, Brains and Health
by Rupert Sheldrake -
Islander: A Journey Around Our Archipelago
by Patrick Barkham -
The Seabirds Cry: The Lives and Loves of Puffins, Gannets and Other Ocean Voyagers
by Adam Nicolson
The Best Nature Writing of 2017, recommended by Charles Foster
The Best Nature Writing of 2017, recommended by Charles Foster
Sales of nature books have been booming, but only the most exacting of authors get right to the heart of our own interconnectedness with the natural world, says Charles Foster, bestselling author of Being A Beast. Here, he chooses five of the best books of nature writing published in 2017.