Beth Breeze

Books by Beth Breeze

Beth Breeze is the Director of the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent. She began her career working for a youth homelessness charity, and spent a decade working in fundraising and charity management. Over the past 15 years she has led numerous research studies focused on philanthropy, including interviews with over 100 ‘major donors’ who have made gifts worth $1 million or more.

Interviews with Beth Breeze

The best books on Philanthropy, recommended by Beth Breeze

Philanthropy is everywhere—and that means we need an informed debate about what it is and how to do it better, rather than resorting to populist critiques of donors and their motives, argues Beth Breeze, Director of the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent. Here she recommends five books to help encourage a more careful and nuanced look at philanthropy, an activity that affects all of us every day but is particularly critical in the lives of the most vulnerable.

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