Books by Boris Starling
Boris Starling is a British novelist and journalist.
Bluffer's Guide To Brexit
by Boris Starling
Q. Is Brexit a good thing or a bad thing?
A. Boris Starling:
I would say, like Zhou Enlai on the French Revolution, that it’s too early to tell. Actually he misunderstood the question, it was about the Paris riots four years before, but, that said, it is too early to tell. I have good friends on both sides of the divide, I’ve written a book about it and I honestly have no idea. And I think if more people admitted they had no idea, we’d all be better off.
Interviews with Boris Starling
The best books on Brexit, recommended by Boris Starling
Looking for a good Brexit book? Brexit is as complicated as the Schleswig-Holstein question and as vicious as Game of Thrones. Boris Starling, author of The Bluffer’s Guide to Brexit, talks us through some Brexit books that will leave you better read and even more mystified about what the future holds for Britain and Europe.