©Vassar College/Karl Rabe
Books by Bryan Van Norden
Bryan W Van Norden is Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple professor at Yale-NUS College in Singapore, chair professor in the school of philosophy at Wuhan University in China, and professor of philosophy at Vassar College in the United States. Van Norden has published nine books on Chinese and comparative philosophy, and is the recipient of Fulbright, National Endowment for the Humanities, and Mellon fellowships. Van Norden has also been honoured as one of the United States’ 300 best professors by the Princeton Review.
Interviews with Bryan Van Norden
The best books on World Philosophy, recommended by Bryan Van Norden
The study of philosophy in the Western world is often parochial, and limited to the study of the Anglo-European tradition. It’s time to widen our focus, advises the author and philosopher Bryan Van Norden. Here he selects five foundational texts of philosophical traditions worldwide.