Books by Carine van Rhijn
Carine van Rhijn is a medieval historian who works at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. She works on the earlier middle ages, in particular on cultural and religious history, as well as on the history of knowledge.
Interviews with Carine van Rhijn
King and Emperor: A New Life of Charlemagne
by Janet Nelson -
Charlemagne: Empire and Society
by Joanna Story (editor) -
Ich und Karl der Große: Das Leben des Höflings Einhard
by Steffen Patzold -
Charlemagne's Practice of Empire
by Jennifer Davis -
Conquest and Christianization: Saxony and the Carolingian World, 772–888
by Ingrid Rembold -
Saxon Identities, AD 150-900
by Robert Flierman
The best books on Charlemagne, recommended by Carine van Rhijn
The best books on Charlemagne, recommended by Carine van Rhijn
We call him Charlemagne, but it was not a name that was used in his own lifetime. His conquests stretched across vast swathes of Europe, but he probably didn’t set out to become an emperor. Much has been written about him, but very little is known. Dutch historian Carine van Rhijn, a lecturer at the University of Utrecht, recommends the best books on Charles, King of the Franks.