Books by Chibli Mallat
As a lawyer, Chibli Mallat is best known for legal actions on behalf of the victims of Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein, and for winning the case of Victims of Sabra and Shatila v Ariel Sharon et al under the law of universal jurisdiction in Belgium in February 2003, before a change in Belgian law removed the jurisdiction of the court. Now senior law adviser for the University of Utah Global Justice Project: Iraq in Baghdad, Mallat says: ‘It takes at least a generation to establish democracy and the rulers in the Middle East are all ruthless dinosaurs. But we’d better start now!’
Interviews with Chibli Mallat
The best books on Maverick Political Thought, recommended by Chibli Mallat
The lawyer who prosecuted Ariel Sharon discusses the brilliance of maverick political thinkers and says: “It takes at least a generation to establish democracy.” Highlights work of philosopher Gilles Deleuze above all