Books by Dambisa Moyo
Dambisa Moyo is author of the New York Times bestsellers Dead Aid and How the West Was Lost. In 2009 Moyo was named by TIME Magazine as one of the “100 most influential people in the world" and was nominated to the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Forum. In 2013 she was awarded the Hayek Lifetime Achievement Award. She holds a PhD in economics from Oxford University, and her writing has appeared in the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal. Her third book, Winner Take All: China’s Race for Resources and What it Means for the World was published in June 2012, and premiered at #13 on the New York Times bestseller list.
“She put a lens on the fact that humanitarian assistance is the way that many people in the West engage with Africa, and that’s a problem, because it exaggerates the importance of humanitarian assistance. It’s just one small tool in a big development toolbox. She then went further, to say: not only is aid not as significant as you think, but it’s also actually quite pernicious.” Read more...
Books About African History by African Writers
Zeinab Badawi, Broadcaster
Interviews with Dambisa Moyo
The best books on The Decline of the West, recommended by Dambisa Moyo
The author and economist argues that the West is in decline, the U.S. faces structural unemployment, and authoritarian states like China are in many ways better positioned to deal with financial busts
Interviews where books by Dambisa Moyo were recommended
Books About African History by African Writers, recommended by Zeinab Badawi
The history of Africa is rich with stories of mighty empires, canny politicking, and complex belief systems. But too often history books written by outsiders focus solely on its colonial past. It’s time to read more books about African history by African writers, argues the broadcaster Zeinab Badawi—whose African History of Africa was recently shortlisted for a Nero Book Award. Here, she recommends five brilliant books to get you started.
The best books on Africa through African Eyes, recommended by George Ayittey
The Ghanaian economist George Ayittey denounces the failure of leadership and Western policy in Africa and explains what “African solutions to African problems” would mean in practice.