Books by Erica Jong
Erica Jong, author of Fear of Flying, is a novelist, poet, and essayist whose work helps provide women with a powerful and rational voice in forging a feminist consciousness. She has published 20 books, including eight novels, six volumes of poetry, six books of non-fiction and numerous articles in magazines and newspapers such as The New York Times, The Sunday Times of London, Elle, Vogue and The New York Times Book Review.
“This is about Isadora, and her trip away from a psychoanalyst conference she is attending with her husband. She is 30, married for seven years, and she runs away. She has longings for other men and is confused because her husband is a very nice man. It’s a very funny book. She runs away with Adrian, whom she meets at the conference. You follow her background, childhood, how she grew up and how everything is linked together. It made a lot of people really upset.” Read more...
Maria Sveland, Journalist
Megan's Two Houses
by Erica Jong
The heartfelt story of Megan, an eight year old girl, whose parents are recently divorced. The story follows her as she adjusts to the new way of living in two houses.
Ages 7-9
Interviews with Erica Jong
The best books on Women in Society, recommended by Erica Jong
The celebrated feminist gives us her view of essential reading for women – and says the gender revolution is far from over
Interviews where books by Erica Jong were recommended
The best books on Feminism, recommended by Maria Sveland
The feminist author chooses liberating literature for women, from Virginia Woolf to Erica Jong. She says that men still don’t share equal responsibility in the home, and that life after divorce can be easier.