Books by Gail Simmons
Gail Simmons is a ‘walking writer’ and the author of The Country of Larks, which was shortlisted for the 2020 Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards. She has an MA in Medieval history and a PhD in creative writing, and teaches at Bath Spa University on their MA in nature and travel writing.
Interviews with Gail Simmons
The Best Hiking Memoirs, recommended by Gail Simmons
Accounts of journeys on foot capture the imagination; partly this is a function of the satisfaction of following a linear journey from start to finish, and partly it is a quality inherent to walking itself—a freeing of the mind. Gail Simmons, who follows an old English pilgrimage route in her book Between the Chalk and the Sea, selects five hiking memoirs that celebrate the liberation that comes from putting one foot after another.