Books by Jeffrey Archer
Jeffrey Archer is a bestselling author and former Conservative politician. His books have been published in 97 countries and more than 33 languages with international sales passing 275 million copies. In addition to his many novels, he has also written short stories and plays, as well as a nonfiction trilogy, A Prison Diary.
“One of Jeffrey Archer’s more entertaining books, which is saying quite something because he can certainly write an entertaining read.” Read more...
Louise Bagshawe, Novelist
Interviews with Jeffrey Archer
The Best Detective Fiction, recommended by Jeffrey Archer
With so many works of detective fiction coming out each year, which books stand the test of time? Here, bestselling British author Jeffrey Archer talks us through some of his favourites, the books he found completely unputdownable and made him want to read everything the author had written.
Jeffrey Archer on Bestsellers
The best books are the ones that tell great stories, says bestselling author and former British politician Jeffrey Archer. Here, he shares some of his favourites, popular novels that went down well with readers but are sometimes still looked down on by the literary establishment.
Interviews where books by Jeffrey Archer were recommended
The Best Chase Stories, recommended by Louise Bagshawe
Everyone’s on the run from something in their life. Bestselling author Louise Bagshawe recommends some of her favourite chase stories, a world of jailbreaks, secret documents, beautiful heroines, honour, revenge, death and glory.