Books by Jenny Bhatt
Jenny Bhatt is a writer, literary translator, and book critic. She is the founder of Desi Books and teaches creative writing at Writing Workshops Dallas. Her debut story collection, Each of Us Killers: Stories (7.13 Books; Sep 2020) won a 2020 Foreword INDIES award. Her literary translation, Ratno Dholi: Dhumketu’s Best Short Stories (HarperCollins India; Oct 2020), was shortlisted for the 2021 PFC-VoW Book Awards for English Translation from Regional Languages. One of her short stories was included in The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2021. Her nonfiction has been published in various venues including NPR, The Washington Post, BBC Culture, The Atlantic, Publishers Weekly, Dallas Morning News, Literary Hub, Poets & Writers, Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Star Tribune. The US version of her translation of The Shehnai Virtuoso and Other Stories by Dhumketu, was released in July 2022. Sign up for her popular, free, weekly newsletter, We Are All Translators here.
The Shehnai Virtuoso: and Other Stories
by Dhumketu, translated by Jenny Bhatt
Interviews with Jenny Bhatt
by Pandey Kapil, translated by Gautam Choubey -
The Bronze Sword of Tengphakhri Tehsildar
by Indira Goswami, translated by Aruni Kashyap -
The Upheaval
by Pundalik Naik, translated by Vidya Pai -
Battles of Our Own
by Jagadish Mohanty, translated by Himansu S. Mohapatra and Paul St-Pierre -
by Govardhanram Madhavram Tripathi, translated by Tridip Suhrud
The Best South Asian Novels in Translation, recommended by Jenny Bhatt
The Best South Asian Novels in Translation, recommended by Jenny Bhatt
The writer and translator Jenny Bhatt selects five key works of South Asian literature, all historical novels available in English translation, that showcase the richness and diversity of the region’s lesser known languages: from a modernist classic decrying the depradations of the coal mining industry to a ‘loose, baggy monster’ of a Victorian novel exploring utopian ideals.