Books by Johanna Reiss
As a young Dutch Jewish girl Johanna Reiss survived the Holocaust by hiding on a farm in Usselo, a village near the German border. In 1969, while she was in Holland doing research for a book about her wartime experiences, her American husband, Jim, committed suicide. Her book about that second trauma, A Hidden Life, was published in 2009.
The Upstairs Room
by Johanna Reiss
Newbery Honor 1973 – for author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children
Interviews with Johanna Reiss
Books About Suicide, recommended by Johanna Reiss
As a young Dutch Jewish girl, Johanna Reiss survived World War II hidden in the attic of a farmer called Johan Oosterveld. Her memoir of that time, The Upstairs Room, is still read in schools today. But while she was researching that book in 1969, her American husband, Jim, killed himself. In this interview, she recommends books on the painful subject of suicide, as well as the music that helped heal the pain.
Interviews where books by Johanna Reiss were recommended
For VE Day: Editors’ Picks, recommended by Sophie Roell
For the anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, Five Books editor Sophie Roell takes a personal tour of books about World War II and the Holocaust, and tells the story of how these events affected members of her family living across the continent.