Books by John Rhodes
John Rhodes is an expert in immunology, vaccine discovery and vaccine development. He was educated at the Cambridge Grammar School and University College London. After graduating in zoology he held research fellowships at the US National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC, and the University of Cambridge before joining the Wellcome Foundation in London. From 2001 to 2007 he was director of strategy in immunology at GlaxoSmithKline. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, has served on UK government international vaccine missions and published numerous articles in leading journals such as Nature, Science and The Lancet.
Interviews with John Rhodes
The best books on Immunology, recommended by John Rhodes
John Rhodes, immunologist and author of The End of Plagues and How to Make a Vaccine, selects five of the best books to help the layperson understand the human immune system in all its fiendish complexity—and explains why the discovery of a successful vaccine is only the initial breakthrough in the long and logistically challenging battle for disease eradication.