Books by Paul French
Paul French is a British author of literary nonfiction books about modern Chinese history, including the award-winning Midnight in Peking. His most recent book is City of Devils. French was based in Shanghai for two decades but now lives in London, and also comments on North Korea for the media.
“An excellent introduction to the history and politics of North Korea, including its complex relations with South Korea, Japan and the USA.” Read more...
Hyeonseo Lee, Memoirist
Interviews with Paul French
Shanghai Novels, recommended by Paul French
Though it was the fifth biggest city in the world in the years following the Second World War, there aren’t nearly as many novels set in Shanghai as there are in Paris, Berlin and other international cities. Author and expert on modern Chinese history Paul French takes a look at the literary history of an often underwritten city from the 1930s through to the new millennium.
Interviews where books by Paul French were recommended
The best books on North Korea, recommended by Hyeonseo Lee
Kim Jong-un’s posturing over nuclear weapons is a distraction from more pressing concerns: the extreme poverty and disenfranchisement of his people, says North Korean defector Hyeonseo Lee. She chooses five books for understanding the hermit kingdom.