Books by Philip Gourevitch
Philip Gourevitch is a staff writer at the New Yorker and an author whose books include We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with our Families, an account of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
“Philip Gourevitch has written a riveting book about the Rwandan genocide and the title is part of a note to his pastor from a man who knew he was going to be killed the next day. This book examines the darkest side of human beings…I think there are few more riveting and horrifying books which bring the reader head to heart with this. There were remarkable acts of heroism. I have a Rwandan friend who survived the genocide; her family did not. In her analysis three per cent of us will run away and not want to kill. Two per cent will stand up and risk everything to help others, and the rest, 95 per cent of us, are capable of being led or enticed to a tipping point where we can pick up a machete and hack strangers and friends alike to death for 90 days. Of course, this is deeply, deeply depressing. But then I thought, two per cent is not nothing. It is something to start with.” Read more...
The best books on Changing the World for Good
Mia Farrow, Development & Aid Workers (see also Economists)
Interviews with Philip Gourevitch
The best books on The Rwandan Genocide, recommended by Philip Gourevitch
Philip Gourevitch, author of We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families, an account of the Rwandan genocide, explores five books on the events that left 800,000 dead in 100 days.
Interviews where books by Philip Gourevitch were recommended
The best books on Changing the World for Good, recommended by Mia Farrow
The actress and humanitarian activist says that in any genocide 95 per cent of us are capable of being led or enticed to a tipping point where we can pick up a machete and hack to death strangers and friends alike.