Books by Robin McKinley
“Beauty takes a fairy tale that we’ve heard so many times and seen in so many formats, and it re-tells it in a way that is super understandable. It’s very familiar, and the situation in which she finds herself is not because “her evil sisters wished her into it”, or anything like that. It’s a thing that befalls her – it’s a way to save her family. And her relationship with the beast, as it progresses, is very understandable. Sometimes in a fairy tale, when we’re just told the bones of the story, we have to fill in what we think happened. Robin McKinley does a lovely job of filling in the details and the emotions, and the things that would make a young woman fall in love with a beast.” Read more...
The Best Medieval Fantasy Books
Robin Hobb, Novelist
“Spindle’s End is just a great Sleeping Beauty story. It starts with the fairy godmother, who is very young, acquiring the princess just as she has been cursed, and having to keep her safe. The fairy godmother is about thirteen, and the princess – Rosie – is a newborn. The fairy godmother spirits Rosie away to avoid the curse…I don’t want to say too much for spoilers, but it hangs together very well, and gets into some surreal territory – it’s delightful.” Read more...
Fantasy Books Based on Fairy Tales
Ursula Vernon, Novelist
“The Blue Sword is a secondary world fantasy. It takes place not on earth but in a different place with some overlap of certain experiences and ideas…The main characters in The Blue Sword are Angharad ‘Harry’ Crewe and King Corlath. Harry is part of the colonizer culture. Because she is orphaned and has no money and nowhere to live, she’s sent to live at a desert outpost in another country to be near her soldier brother. Corlath is the king of the Hillfolk, who are native to this area. Supposedly he has very powerful magic, but Harry’s people don’t believe it. Corlath’s magic tells him that he needs to kidnap Harry, so he does, and she is once again displaced from her home. Now she’s stuck with these desert nomads who have no idea why she has been kidnapped by their king, because he himself doesn’t know. He only knows that it’s important because the magic said so. This is a ‘fish out of water’ story. Harry has to learn the language and the customs. She learns to sword fight and to ride horses the way that the Hillfolk ride. They don’t use bridles and bits.” Read more...
The Best Fantasy Novels With Battle Couples
Valerie Valdes, Novelist
Interviews where books by Robin McKinley were recommended
The Best Fantasy Novels With Battle Couples, recommended by Valerie Valdes
The best kind of love involves supporting each other in battle with magical beings, says bestselling fantasy author Valerie Valdes. She recommends the five best fantasies where the couples that spar together star together.
Fantasy Books Based on Fairy Tales, recommended by Ursula Vernon
Fairy tale retellings are nothing new: the same stories have been told in various forms across centuries and cultures. Modern fantasy is making new use of these timeless tales, specialising in unlikely heroes and playful subversions. We asked Ursula Vernon, the Hugo Award-winning author, to recommend her top five fantasy books based on fairy tales.
The Best Medieval Fantasy Books, recommended by Robin Hobb
A medieval flavour is common in fantasy books, but this can range from chivalric adventures and mythical beasts to grimdark realities. Here Robin Hobb, multi-award winning novelist of the Realm of the Elderlings series, introduces her five favourites, spanning the breadth of the genre.