Books by Thomas Cirotteau
Thomas Cirotteau is an author and director. He created and co-wrote the documentary Lady Sapiens. He also directed the documentary Who Killed the Neanderthal?, which he co-wrote with Eric Pincas and Jacques Malaterre. This film received a number of prizes in France and abroad.
Lady Sapiens: Breaking Stereotypes About Prehistoric Women
by Eric Pincas, Jennifer Kerner & Thomas Cirotteau
Lady Sapiens is a nonfiction book, translated from French, that offers a great introduction to what we know about women who lived during the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 to 10,000 years ago). The authors report on what the latest science says about our human ancestors in a clear, no-nonsense way and you learn a lot from reading it. The book is also very nicely illustrated.
Interviews with Thomas Cirotteau
Femmes de la préhistoire
by Claudine Cohen -
Femmes, naissance de l'homme: Icônes de la préhistoire
by Alexandre Hurel & Florian Berrouet -
L'homme préhistorique est aussi une femme
by Marylène Patou-Mathis -
The Invisible Sex: Uncovering the True Role of Women in Prehistory
J. M. Adovasio, Olga Soffer and Jake Page -
Our Human Story
by Chris Stringer & Louise Humphrey
The best books on Prehistoric Women, recommended by Thomas Cirotteau
The best books on Prehistoric Women, recommended by Thomas Cirotteau
Thanks to scientific advances, we're finding out more and more about prehistoric people, including women and their lives during the Upper Paleolithic era. French filmmaker Thomas Cirotteau, director of the documentary and co-author of a book about Lady Sapiens, recommends books to find out more about our female ancestors, who while separated from us by tens of thousands of years, have been brought tantalizingly close by new techniques and discoveries.