Books by Tiffany Watt Smith
“A fantastic book, chock full of examples showing that emotions are not universal, and how they’re not even static historically in time.” Read more...
Lisa Feldman Barrett, Psychologist
Interviews where books by Tiffany Watt Smith were recommended
The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust
by Tiffany Watt Smith -
by Jeffrey Eugenides -
Principles of Psychology
by William James -
Emotional Success: The Power of Gratitude, Compassion and Pride
by David DeSteno -
Stumbling on Happiness
by Daniel Gilbert
The Best Books on Emotions, recommended by Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Best Books on Emotions, recommended by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Not every culture has a word for ‘fear.’ Smiling was an invention of the Middle Ages. There’s a lot that will surprise you about the way we process emotions, says the neuroscientist and psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett. Here she picks five books that illustrate our understanding of how emotions work.