Books by Tim Birkhead
Timothy Robert Birkhead
is Professor of behaviour and evolution at the University of Sheffield, where he has been since 1976. His books include Bird Sense (2012), Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since Darwin (2014), and The Most Perfect Thing: the Inside (and Outside) of a Birds Egg (2016). His forthcoming book is The Wonderful Mr Willughby: the first True Ornithologist (2018), a biography of the pioneering seventeenth-century ornithologist.
The Wisdom of Birds
by Tim Birkhead
This book reflects my passion for the science of ornithology. In it, one of our most brilliant zoologists covers, with his characteristic lucidity, the story of the subject in a very special way, by looking at various aspects of bird biology (the breeding cycle, infidelity, song, territoriality, migration, and so on) through the history of those who have studied birds through the ages.
Interviews with Tim Birkhead
Biologische Untersuchungen (Die Spermien der Vogel)
by Gustaf Retzius -
Behavioural Ecology
by J.R. Krebs (Editor), N.B. Davies (Editor) -
Sperm Competition and the Evolution of Animal Mating Systems
by Robert L. Smith (Editor) -
Female Control
by William Eberhard -
Sperm Competition and its Evolutionary Consequences in the Insects
by Leigh W. Simmons
The best books on Sperm, recommended by Tim Birkhead
The best books on Sperm, recommended by Tim Birkhead
Professor Tim Birkhead is one of the pioneers of spermatology. He explains how promiscuous females can be selective about sperm, even after multiple inseminations
Interviews where books by Tim Birkhead were recommended
The best books on Birds, recommended by Jonathan Elphick
Birds are everywhere. They capture our imagination and make us wish that we, too, could soar away. Jonathan Elphick eloquently recommends the best books on the wonders of birds.