Books by Toby Clements
Toby Clements is a journalist, former literary editor, and the author of the acclaimed Kingmaker series—four novels set during the Wars of the Roses. He lives in London.
“It’s the story of Thomas Malory, author of Le Morte d’Arthur, which was written and printed in mysterious circumstances, but remains the foundation document for all our stories of King Arthur and the knights of his Round Table in search of the Holy Grail. Obviously that has a lot to do with knightly honour, and chivalry and so on, so it comes as a shock that Malory wrote it while in various jails for various crimes, and one in particular that would seem to go against everything he stands for. It is a bit of a mystery.” Read more...
The Funniest Historical Novels
Toby Clements, Journalist
Interviews with Toby Clements
The Funniest Historical Novels, recommended by Toby Clements
Historical fiction, as a genre, is not known for its laugh-a-minute qualities. But that’s not to say there isn’t space for humour, when the events of the past have so often been surreal, ironic, or downright disastrous. Toby Clements, whose new novel A Good Deliverance takes the form of a 15th-century prison confession, recommends five of the funniest historical novels.
Interviews where books by Toby Clements were recommended
The Funniest Historical Novels, recommended by Toby Clements
Historical fiction, as a genre, is not known for its laugh-a-minute qualities. But that’s not to say there isn’t space for humour, when the events of the past have so often been surreal, ironic, or downright disastrous. Toby Clements, whose new novel A Good Deliverance takes the form of a 15th-century prison confession, recommends five of the funniest historical novels.