Books by Yael Tamir
Yael (Yuli) Tamir is president of Shenkar College of Engineering and Design and adjunct professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, where she also did her PhD in political philosophy under the supervision of Sir Isaiah Berlin. A founder of the Israeli peace movement, she is a former Labor Party member of the Knesset and formerly served as Israel’s minister of education and minister of immigration absorption. She lives in Tel Aviv.
Interviews with Yael Tamir
The best books on Nationalism, recommended by Yael Tamir
When we think of nationalism, we tend to think of its extreme varieties. In fact, it’s so ubiquitous in our daily lives that we rarely even notice it, says political theorist and former Israeli politician Yael Tamir. Here, she recommends books to help us better understand nationalism in all its forms and why one ignores its power at one’s peril.