Recommendations from our site
“The book could more accurately be titled, ‘why blowing up a pipeline should potentially be part of the climate activist’s toolkit’. Or perhaps it should be called, ‘how to puncture a tire’. Malm is now a very productive academic in Sweden, who’s written several books on the history of what he calls ‘fossil capitalism’, linking climate change and capitalism. He calls himself an eco-Marxist, so he’s quite open about his political perspective. But he started out his young adult life in climate activism and one of the things that he did as a climate activist was to go around letting the air out of SUV tires. He uses that as an example of the strategic use of violence that he’s advocating.” Read more...
The Best Climate Books of 2021
Sarah Dry, Science Writer
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Storms of my Grandchildren
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Why We Disagree About Climate Change
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Fixing Climate
by Robert Kunzig & Wallace S Broecker