• Rachel Kushner on Books That Influenced Her - Practicalities by Marguerite Duras
  • Rachel Kushner on Books That Influenced Her - God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Dialogues by Jean-Luc Nancy
  • Rachel Kushner on Books That Influenced Her - Journey to the End of the Night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline (translated by Ralph Manheim)
  • Rachel Kushner on Books That Influenced Her - The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Rachel Kushner on Books That Influenced Her - Pick-Up by Charles Willeford

Rachel Kushner on Books That Influenced Her

Rachel Kushner, author of The Flamethrowers and The Mars Room, which has been shortlisted for the 2018 Man Booker Prize, discusses the five books that have most influenced her writing, from Dostoyevsky to Marguerite Duras. She muses on the question of what fiction can offer: “A novel itself, if it is good, and effective at whatever its particular aesthetic and philosophical aim is, can answer the question best, so that a novelist doesn’t have to.”

  • Essential Norwegian Fiction - Gisli Sursson’s Saga by Various
  • Essential Norwegian Fiction - Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun and Sverre Lyngstad (translator)
  • Essential Norwegian Fiction - Shyness and Dignity by Dag Solstad and Sverre Lyngstad (translator)
  • Essential Norwegian Fiction - Beatles by Don Bartlett (translator) & Lars Saabye Christensen
  • Essential Norwegian Fiction - My Struggle by Don Bartlett (translator) & Karl Ove Knausgård

Essential Norwegian Fiction, recommended by Roy Jacobsen

Sagas old and new, from Gisli Sursson’s trials to Knausgård’s struggle, form the backbone of Roy Jacobsen’s selection of essential fiction from Norway, a country that is like ‘a black and not very polished diamond’, and where writers and readers seek out the human, ‘no matter how awkward, grandiose, sentimental, nostalgic, embarrassing, hyperbolic, stupid, hilarious or dangerous it may be’