• The best books on Ada Lovelace - In Byron's Wake: The Turbulent Lives of Lord Byron's Wife and Daughter: Annabella Milbanke and Ada Lovelace by Miranda Seymour
  • The best books on Ada Lovelace - Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception and Secret Authorship of 'The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation' by James Secord
  • The best books on Ada Lovelace - Mathematics in Victorian Britain by Adrian Rice, Raymond Flood & Robin Wilson
  • The best books on Ada Lovelace - The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sydney Padua
  • The best books on Ada Lovelace - Middlemarch by George Eliot

The best books on Ada Lovelace, recommended by Ursula Martin

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) has become an iconic figure for women in science and is often credited with the invention of modern computing. But, as Ursula Martin—mathematician, computer scientist and Lovelace biographer—explains, all of that is a bit overblown. The Lovelace myth obscures the truth about a woman who was certainly a very brilliant mathematician, but who was also often frustrated in her scientific ambitions, in poor health and unhappy.

  • The best books on Isaac Newton - Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton by Richard S. Westfall
  • The best books on Isaac Newton - A Portrait of Isaac Newton by Frank E. Manuel
  • The best books on Isaac Newton - Newton and the Origins of Civilization by Jed Z. Buchwald & Mordechai Feingold
  • The best books on Isaac Newton - Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton by Rob Iliffe
  • The best books on Isaac Newton - Isaac Newton and Natural Philosophy by Niccolò Guicciardini

The best books on Isaac Newton, recommended by William Newman

John Maynard Keynes famously cast Isaac Newton not as the first scientist of the age of reason, but the last of the magicians. How should we interpret the million words he wrote, in secret, on alchemy? What should we make of Newton’s heretical religious views? William Newman talks us through the best books for a better understanding of the complex man who was one of the greatest physicists of all time.