Music & Drama
Last updated: December 13, 2024
The best books on Puppeteering, recommended by Basil Jones and Adrian Kohler
Founders of the Handspring Puppet Company pick their favourite five books on puppeteering. Enid Blyton and African Scenery and Animals both make the cut, as does same-sex behaviour in the natural world
The best books on Hollywood, recommended by Marina Hyde
The best books on Hollywood. ‘Smart people went to the ballet and opera, and what the poor and lower middle classes did with their time didn’t matter. But these men in Hollywood had a vision and were creating this product that was loved by everybody of all different backgrounds.’
The best books on British Cinema, recommended by Brian McFarlane
The editor of the Encyclopaedia of British Film talks about Britain’s cinematic offerings. ‘I love Brief Encounter – I cry from the moment Celia Johnson speaks until the credits come up at the end.’
The best books on Opera, recommended by Robert Lloyd
The opera singer says most people of his age feel that the quality of singing has given way to the providing of a dramatic spectacle. His book selection spans Italian opera and revelations of an opera manager
Les meilleurs livres sur le théâtre français, recommended by Florent Masse
Le théâtre français s’apprécie autant à la lecture qu’à la représentation. Florent Masse, professeur de théâtre français à Princeton, nous propose une lecture du point de vue de l’enseignement du théâtre. Comment les grands hommes de théâtre—tels Jouvet, Copeau, ou Vitez—ont-ils construit leur apprentissage? À vous de découvrir les principes et références qui guident les meilleurs metteurs en scène.