Journalism books
recommended by journalists
Last updated: February 28, 2025
The best books on Journalism, recommended by Robert Cottrell
Newspaper journalism is on its way out, regrets the former foreign correspondent and Browser co-founder Robert Cottrell. He chooses four novels that reflect the golden days and a style guide that is an equally fine work of imagination.
The best books on Privacy, recommended by Max Mosley
The former FIA president discusses privacy very openly, with candid views on the press and his own personal scandal. Recommends books on everything from media distortion to mind control
The best books on American Foreign Reporting, recommended by John M Hamilton
The Professor of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University discusses American foreign correspondents. Laments the lack of swashbuckling approach amongst current crop of journalists
The best books on Editing Newspapers, recommended by Peter Stothard
The Editor of The Times Literary Supplement discusses the changing history of the Newspaper Editor. Suggests further reading and highlights Peter Forster’s The Spike as the most accurate depiction of an editor’s work.
The best books on The Afghanistan-Pakistan border, recommended by Gretchen Peters
The award-winning journalist and author says she laughed out loud when she read Greg Mortenson’s line that if he was killed in Pakistan, he knew it would be in a car accident and not by a terrorist
Preface to Plato
by Eric A Havelock -
The Printing Press as an Agent of Change
by Elizabeth L Eisenstein -
The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communications
by Paul Starr -
Raymond Williams on Culture and Society: Essential Writings
by Raymond Williams -
Media Unlimited
by Todd Gitlin
The best books on The Future of the Media, recommended by Todd Gitlin
The best books on The Future of the Media, recommended by Todd Gitlin
The Journalism Professor at Columbia University discusses the future of the media. Argues that the availability of intelligently compiled, serious information is a prerequisite for democratic life
The best books on Love, War, and Longing, recommended by Janine di Giovanni
War reporter tells us that her life is permeated with sense of loss and longing. She quotes her heroine Martha Gellhorn: “I have a sudden notion of why history is such a mess. Human beings do not live long enough”
The best books on Investigative Journalism, recommended by Nick Davies
The investigative journalist says when he started out reporting PR copy was a real rarity. If you were writing about crime, you’d call the police station and speak to an officer.
The best books on Privacy, recommended by Mike Dodd
The Press Association’s legal advisor argues that the definition of privacy in Britain is being redefined by judges on a seemingly ad hoc basis. Discusses privacy issues and reviews the best books on the subject