Politics & Society
Last updated: March 08, 2025
The best books on Free Speech, recommended by Timothy Garton Ash
Free speech is the bedrock of a healthy society, but how do we deal with the torrents of horrible comments—and worse—we see on the internet every day? Timothy Garton Ash, author of Free Speech: Ten Principles for A Connected World, outlines a plan for navigating the complexities and recommends the best books to help us think about free speech.
The Race between Education and Technology
by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F Katz -
Top Incomes in the Long Run of History
by Emmanuel Saez, Thomas Piketty & Tony Atkinson -
Why Nations Fail
by Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson -
Unequal Democracy
by Larry M Bartels -
13 Bankers
by James Kwak & Simon Johnson
The best books on Inequality, recommended by Daron Acemoglu
The best books on Inequality, recommended by Daron Acemoglu
The US, the UK and many other countries around the globe have become far less equal over the past 30 years. It’s important we understand how and why this happened, and what it means for our societies, says Daron Acemoglu, a professor of economics at MIT. He recommends the best books to get a better understanding of inequality.
George Monbiot — with An Essential Reading List
Writer and investigative journalist George Monbiot recommends books that have shaped him, and that are crucial reading for those wishing to navigate the current economic and environmental crises.
The best books on British Conservatism, recommended by Daniel Finkelstein
Conservatism is different around the world because what it’s trying to preserve, the ‘essence of a nation,’ inevitably varies by country, says British journalist and politician Daniel Finkelstein. And yet, the UK’s Tory party has always been quick to adapt to whatever would get it into power.
The Identity of Ulster: The Land, the Language and the People
by Ian Adamson -
Irish Unionism
by Patrick Buckland -
The Faithful Tribe: An Intimate Portrait of the Loyal Institutions
by Ruth Dudley Edwards -
Home Rule: An Irish History 1800-2000
by Alvin Jackson -
The Orange Order: A Contemporary Northern Irish History
by Eric Kaufmann
The best books on Irish Unionism, recommended by Murray Pittock
The best books on Irish Unionism, recommended by Murray Pittock
As is the norm in many countries with proportional representation, the United Kingdom’s government depends on a small political party to stay in power. Who are the Irish unionists? What is the ideology that guides them? Historian and pro-vice principal of Glasgow University, Murray Pittock, recommends the best books to read to better understand Irish unionism.
Nick Clegg on his Favourite Books
Much as some Brexiteers like to pretend it isn’t, England is not only in Europe, but has been, in various centuries and in various ways, at the very heart of it. The former Deputy Prime Minister of the UK, Nick Clegg, discusses his favourite European novels and the founding text of his own political ideology, liberalism.
What Next: How to get the best from Brexit
by Daniel Hannan -
Brexit Beckons: Thinking ahead by leading economists
by Richard Baldwin (ed) -
Branching histories of the 2016 referendum and ‘the frogs before the storm’
by Dominic Cummings -
Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union
by Harold Clarke, Matthew Goodwin & Paul Whiteley -
by Ali Smith
The Best Things to Read on Brexit, recommended by Jonathan Portes
The Best Things to Read on Brexit, recommended by Jonathan Portes
Why did Brexit happen? What does the future hold for Britain outside the European Union? Can trade economists help? The economist and former head of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a non-partisan think tank, recommends the best books (and one blogpost) on Brexit.
Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making
by Deborah Stone -
Regulating the Poor: The Public Functions of Welfare
by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward -
The Submerged State: How Invisible Government Policies Undermine American Democracy
by Suzanne Mettler -
Remaking America: Democracy and Public Policy in an Age of Inequality
by (ed.) Jacob Hacker, Joe Soss & Suzanne Mettler -
Arresting Citizenship: The Democratic Consequences Of American Crime Control
by Amy E Lerman and Vesla M Weaver
The best books on The Politics of Policymaking, recommended by Jamila Michener
The best books on The Politics of Policymaking, recommended by Jamila Michener
Inequality is coming not just from the economy; it is coming from politics and policy, says Jamila Michener, assistant professor of government at Cornell University. Here she chooses five books that showcase some of the best, most thought-provoking writing on the politics and consequences of policy.
The best books on Military Strategy, recommended by Antulio Echevarria II
Texts about military strategy take us back into the mists of time but what it is, and what the nature of war is, remains hotly debated. Antulio Echevarria II of the US Army War College talks us through key books, both old and new, on military strategy.
The best books on Populism, recommended by Cas Mudde
After a tumultuous year in politics, ‘populism’ is on everybody’s lips. But what is it? Is it good or bad for democracy? How is it that populist movements often have superrich leaders? Political scientist and longtime populism observer Cas Mudde recommends the best books on populism.