Technology Books
recommended by entrepreneurs and academics
Last updated: March 11, 2025
The best books on Drone Warfare, recommended by Hugh Gusterson
The introduction of drones “makes possible perpetual war without costs”, warns the anthropology professor and security expert Hugh Gusterson. Here he selects the best books that examine their ethical, psychological and political impact upon 21st century warfare.
The best books on Information, recommended by Tyler Cowen
A conversation with the economist, educator, omnivore, polymath and co-founder of Marginal Revolution, highlighting books about decentralised information, mass collaboration and spontaneous order
The best books on Cybersecurity, recommended by Misha Glenny
There’s an unseen, mostly unacknowledged cyber war going on. British journalist Misha Glenny, author of Dark Market, tells us who’s involved, how far it spreads and what could happen if we let it continue unchecked. He picks the best books to get a better handle on cybersecurity.
The best books on Memory and the Digital Age, recommended by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
The Professor of Internet Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute selects books on how memories are made and discusses the effect of digital data storage on our perception of the present and the future
The best books on Robotics, recommended by Daniel H Wilson
These days robotic technology is developing so fast that sci-fi is having a hard time keeping up, says best-selling author and roboticist, Daniel H Wilson. He picks the best books on robotics.
The best books on The History of Information, recommended by Ann Blair
The history professor and author of Too Much to Know tells us what researchers have been discovering about how earlier human societies collected, organised and used information
The best books on The Origins of Computing, recommended by George Dyson
As we approach the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth, science historian George Dyson looks back at the achievements of wartime code breaking and the “human computers” who enabled our modern age of iPhones and laptops
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
by Jesse Schell -
What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy
by James Paul Gee -
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games and Virtual Worlds
by Celia Pearce -
Raising the Stakes: E-Sports and the Professionalization of Computer Gaming
by T L Taylor -
Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline
The best books on Video Games, recommended by Katherine Isbister
The best books on Video Games, recommended by Katherine Isbister
Video games have never been more popular – or more intricately designed. But we haven’t yet developed the vocabulary to analyse a game’s impact the way we do a film’s, says professor of computational media Katherine Isbister. Here, she chooses five of the best books that explore the art of video game design, and the subcultures that grow up around them.
Lev Grossman recommends the best books on the World Wide Web
The book critic and technology columnist for Time magazine says there’s a level on which the Internet is a mass tool for pacification. It allows people to play out their lives in a fantasy context, which is very politically unthreatening. He picks the best books on the World Wide Web.
The best books on Technology and Nature, recommended by Daniel Headrick
The historian explains how the power of technology has affected man’s relationship with the rest of nature, and tells us what determines why some civilisations succeed and others fail