Books by Alon Hilu
Alon Hilu is an Israeli writer and playwright. He was born in 1972. His first book, Death of a Monk, is an historical novel which retells the story of the blood libel against the Damascus Jews which took place in 1840. It won the Israeli Presidential Prize for a debut novel in 2006 and the Israeli Prime Minister Prize in 2008. His second novel, The House of Rajani, set in 1895 Jaffa, was awarded the 2009 Sapir Prize. Alon Hilu lives with his family in Tel Aviv.
Alon Hilu’s Homepage
Alon Hilu on Wikipedia
Alon Hilu interviewed by the Jewish Chronicle
Interviews with Alon Hilu
The best books on Israel and Palestine in Art, recommended by Alon Hilu
Award-winning novelist and playwright positions himself among a new breed of Israeli historians: “I think I am part of a new trend in Israel to be critical of the way we tell our history”