Books by Beverley Naidoo
Beverley Naidoo is the Carnegie award-winning author of The Other Side of Truth and many other books for children and young adults. Brought up during the apartheid years in South Africa, much of Beverley’s writing reflects crossing boundaries and she has set novels in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and the UK. Exiled for campaigning against apartheid in 1965, Beverley came to the UK, where she has lived ever since. Her first novel, Journey to Jo’burg, was banned in South Africa until 1991 and has never been out of print since its publication in 1985. It appears in the Collins Modern Classics list and is frequently used in schools.
Interviews with Beverley Naidoo
The best books on Courage and Kindness for Kids, recommended by Beverley Naidoo
Fairy tales and stories of courage and survival can help children understand that although there are injustices in the world there are ways in which they can make a difference – however small. The award-winning author Beverley Naidoo recommends five great books in which kindness triumphs over adversity.