Books by A C Grayling
A C Grayling is an English philosopher. Until June 2011, he was Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck, University of London. He is also a supernumerary fellow of St Anne’s College at Oxford University. Grayling is the author of around 30 books, including What is Good? and most recently The Good Book: A Secular Bible. In 2011 he founded the New College of the Humanities, an independent undergraduate college in London.
“Grayling writes that people need constitutions, that people need freedom from oppression, that people need to express their demands to the state.” Read more...
The best books on Democracy in Iraq
Nabeel Yasin, Poet
The Choice of Hercules
by A C Grayling
In that book, The Choice of Hercules, where I discuss the tension between the good life in the sybaritic sense of wine, women and song, and on the other hand the Good Life in the sense of the puritan virtues, my argument is that they are both important, and that a blend of the two is constitutive of a third and better version of the good life.
Ideas That Matter
by A C Grayling
British philosopher AC Grayling provides short accounts of ideas that matter to him, from 'absolutism' through to 'zeitgeist.'
Interviews with A C Grayling
The best books on Being Good, recommended by A C Grayling
What does a moral life entail? How does one achieve it? Philosopher AC Grayling picks the best books on “being good.”
The best books on Ideas that Matter, recommended by A C Grayling
In the 18th and 19th centuries, intellectuals engaged in the ‘great conversation,’ a debate about ideas, politics, and beliefs, says British philosopher A C Grayling, author of Ideas That Matter. He picks out five books on ideas about how we live our lives and how we view the world, from Aristotle to Charles Darwin.
Interviews where books by A C Grayling were recommended
The best books on Democracy in Iraq, recommended by Nabeel Yasin
The Iraqi poet chooses books on civil and human rights. “I want to spread the word. I want people to get more involved in the political process here in Iraq”