Books by Bruce Forbes
Bruce David Forbes is Professor of Religious Studies at Morningside College. He has coedited, with Jeffrey Mahan, Religion and Popular Culture in America and coedited, with Jeanne Halgren Kilde, Rapture, Revelation, and the End Times: Exploring the Left Behind Series. His book, Christmas: A Candid History, was published in 2007 by the University of California Press.
Interviews with Bruce Forbes
The best books on Christmas, recommended by Bruce Forbes
Did you know that Santa Claus was a 4th century bishop in what is now Turkey? That Puritans tried to outlaw Christmas? Or Tiny Tim was originally Little Fred? Religious scholar Bruce Forbes recommends books that shed light on Christmas’s pagan past and consumerist present.
Interviews where books by Bruce Forbes were recommended
The best books on The Christmas Story, recommended by Brent Landau
The story of the birth of Jesus is the part of the Gospels that is least based on history, explains religious studies scholar Brent Landau. Jesus was probably not born in Bethlehem and he may have been visited by as many as 12 wise men. He picks books to help understand the real Christmas story.