Books by Junot Díaz
“The places he describes in his fiction are places where I grew up. In the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, there’s a scene where Oscar Wao tries to kill himself by jumping off a rail bridge across the Raritan river. That bridge is just down the street from my house. To this day, I can’t take a train across it without thinking of that incident. As far as I’m concerned, it happened. Oscar Wao is very real to me. When I read Wao, I think, there but for the grace of God go I.” Read more...
Interviews where books by Junot Díaz were recommended
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Novels
Every year, the Pulitzer Prize jury awards $15,000 to a work of “distinguished fiction published during the year by an American author, preferably dealing with American life.” We’ve compiled a guide to the books that have won this prize since the turn of the millennium.
Great Actors Read Great Novels
If you enjoy listening to books as audiobooks, it’s a great time to be alive. From Rosamund Pike narrating Pride and Prejudice, Jeremy Irons reading Lolita to Meryl Streep telling the story of Heartburn, many prominent actors have signed up for performing their favourite books in unabridged versions.
Kushanava Choudhury on Calcutta Influences
Can one encounter the whole universe in the streets of one city? Kushanava Choudhury, author of a new book about Calcutta, says so, and tells us how
The Secret History of Costaguana
by Juan Gabriel Vásquez -
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
by Junot Díaz -
The Many-Headed Hydra
by Marcus Rediker and Paul Linebaugh -
Of Divine Warning
by Jane Anna and Lewis R Gordon -
Time for a Visible Hand
by Stephany Griffiths-Jones, Jose Antonio Ocampo & Joseph Stiglitz
The best books on The Rise of Latin America, recommended by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera
The best books on The Rise of Latin America, recommended by Oscar Guardiola-Rivera
The author and academic says the global financial meltdown has shattered the apparently sophisticated, but in fact conceptually hollow, foundations upon which “self-regulated” markets were built