Books by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Lisa Feldman Barrett is director of Northeastern University’s Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory, and holds appointments at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers and six academic volumes.
7½ Lessons About the Brain
by Lisa Feldman Barrett
7½ Lessons About the Brain falls into that most wonderful of modern book genres, the 'neuroscience beach read.' Published in the US in 2020, the beautiful UK edition came out in March, 2021. Lisa Feldman Barrett, a leading psychologist and neuroscientist, spoke to us about books about emotions. If you'd like to hear her voice, she narrates the audiobook of 7½ Lessons About the Brain herself.
“I appreciate Lisa Feldman Barrett’s argument that we can become “the architects of our experiences.” She pushes against the idea that events trigger emotions in a predetermined way and suggests we find the most specific language possible to describe our experiences and feelings. This specificity may propel us to move forward from challenges in a constructive way.” Read more...
How To Use Technology And Not Be Used By It: A Psychologist’s Reading List
Margaret Morris, Psychologist
Interviews with Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust
by Tiffany Watt Smith -
by Jeffrey Eugenides -
Principles of Psychology
by William James -
Emotional Success: The Power of Gratitude, Compassion and Pride
by David DeSteno -
Stumbling on Happiness
by Daniel Gilbert
The Best Books on Emotions, recommended by Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Best Books on Emotions, recommended by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Not every culture has a word for ‘fear.’ Smiling was an invention of the Middle Ages. There’s a lot that will surprise you about the way we process emotions, says the neuroscientist and psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett. Here she picks five books that illustrate our understanding of how emotions work.
Interviews where books by Lisa Feldman Barrett were recommended
The Saturated Self
by Kenneth Gergen -
The Stories We Live By
by Dan MacAdams -
How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain
by Lisa Feldman Barrett -
Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection
by John T. Cacioppo & William Patrick -
Evocative Objects: Things We Think With
by Sherry Turkle
How To Use Technology And Not Be Used By It: A Psychologist’s Reading List, recommended by Margaret Morris
How To Use Technology And Not Be Used By It: A Psychologist’s Reading List, recommended by Margaret Morris
Many people are now worried about the impact of tech devices and social media on our brains—and believe they could be harmful to our psychological wellbeing. Psychologist Margaret Morris, author of Left to Our Own Devices, argues for a more nuanced approach and talks us through the books that shaped her own approach to technology.