Books by Philip Davis
Philip Davis is the author of The Transferred Life of George Eliot, The Victorians 1830-1880, and a companion volume on Why Victorian Literature Still Matters. He has written on Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, the literary uses of memory from Wordsworth to Lawrence, and various books on reading. His previous literary biography was a life of Bernard Malamud. He is general editor of the Literary Agenda paperback series from OUP, on the future of literary studies, for which he wrote Reading and the Reader. He is also editor of The Reader magazine, the written voice of the outreach organisation The Reader.
Reading for Life
by Philip Davis
Reading for Life is an anthology of poems and prose fiction, and an account of the work done by the Centre for Research into Reading, Literature and Society (CRILS) and the outreach charity The Reader.
In Reading for Life, Philip Davis asks what literature can offer in times of need, and depicts readers—including the attendees of reading groups in hospitals, homeless shelters, care homes, prisons and drug rehabilitation centres—as they find solace in and are invigorated by powerful writing.
The author, Philip Davis, was previously interviewed on Five Books when he recommended the best George Eliot books.
Interviews with Philip Davis
The Best George Eliot Books, recommended by Philip Davis
George Eliot is all but synonymous with Victorian realism; for D H Lawrence, she was the first novelist to start ‘putting all the action inside.’ Here, Philip Davis, author of The Transferred Life of George Eliot, selects the best books by or about one of the greatest novelists of all time: ‘If you want to read literature that sets out to create a holding ground for raw human material—for human struggles, difficulties, and celebrations—read George Eliot’