Books by Raghuram G Rajan
“This book is really an analysis of the populist backlash against globalization. It’s called The Third Pillar because that’s essentially the community that we all live in. The other pillars are markets and the state.” Read more...
The Best Business Books of 2019: the Financial Times & McKinsey Book of the Year Award
Andrew Hill, Journalist
“This is my favorite title of any economics book, the one I most wish I had come up with. And it’s an excellent book, too. The basic thesis is that capitalists—like the CEOs that run major corporations—do not actually like competition or markets. They like to be insulated from competition, to receive subsidies from the government, and inside the corporation it is more like Soviet-style central planning than the stereotypical American capitalism.” Read more...
The best books on Market Competition
Jason Furman, Economist
“I admire this book because it’s not superficial. It goes for the ultimate causes of the economic crisis we’ve been through. Most people tend to focus in on something approximate.” Read more...
The best books on Capitalism and Human Nature
Robert J Shiller, Economist
Interviews where books by Raghuram G Rajan were recommended
The best books on Capitalism and Human Nature, recommended by Robert J Shiller
“You have to understand people first before you can understand how to devise an economic system for them” argues Robert J Shiller, the Yale economics professor and Nobel laureate. He chooses five books that explore who we fundamentally are, as human beings, and how that will determine the shape of a successful capitalism.
This Time Is Different
by Carmen Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff -
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
by Michael Lewis -
Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten The World Economy
by Raghuram G Rajan -
13 Bankers
by James Kwak & Simon Johnson -
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report
Francis Fukuyama recommends the best books on the The Financial Crisis
Francis Fukuyama recommends the best books on the The Financial Crisis
The author of “The End of History” says the financial crisis revealed a great deal about the nature of America’s political and economic system. The shame, he says, is that opportunities to change it are now being ignored.
Principles of Social Justice
by David Miller -
The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger
by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett -
Inequality Reexamined
by Amartya Sen -
Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten The World Economy
by Raghuram G Rajan -
by Owen Jones
The best books on Fairness and Inequality, recommended by Will Hutton
The best books on Fairness and Inequality, recommended by Will Hutton
What is the difference between fairness and equality? In contemporary capitalist societies, some inequality is inevitable and desirable. But the rewards for the few at the top have soared while the rest have been squeezed. Is this fair? We need a new social contract, says the author and columnist
Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists
by Luigi Zingales & Raghuram G Rajan -
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty
by Albert Hirschman -
Antitrust Paradox
by Robert H. Bork -
Lectures on Antitrust Economics
by Michael D. Whinston -
Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society
by E. Glen Weyl & Eric A. Posner
The best books on Market Competition, recommended by Jason Furman
The best books on Market Competition, recommended by Jason Furman
Despite the large number of brands, most Americans buy their beer from just two companies. Consumer choice in the new digital economy is hardly better. Economist Jason Furman, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers under Barack Obama and now a professor at Harvard, recommends books to better understand market competition.
Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America
by Christopher Leonard -
The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind
by Raghuram G Rajan -
The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution
by Gregory Zuckerman -
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
by Shoshana Zuboff -
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
by Caroline Criado Perez -
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
by David Epstein
The Best Business Books of 2019: the Financial Times & McKinsey Book of the Year Award, recommended by Andrew Hill
The Best Business Books of 2019: the Financial Times & McKinsey Book of the Year Award, recommended by Andrew Hill
Confused about which of the thousands of business books published in 2019 to read? Fortunately, the Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award has sifted through hundreds of entries to pick the very best. Andrew Hill, the FT’s management editor and author of Ruskinland, talks us through the six brilliant books that made this year’s shortlist.
Shock Values: Prices and Inflation in American Democracy
by Carola Binder -
One from the Many: The Global Economy Since 1850
by Christopher Meissner -
Behind the Curve: Can Manufacturing Still Provide Inclusive Growth?
by Robert Lawrence -
Breaking the Mold: India’s Untraveled Path to Prosperity
by Raghuram G Rajan & Rohit Lamba -
How Economics Explains the World (US)/ The Shortest History of Economics (UK)
by Andrew Leigh
The Best Economics Books of 2024, recommended by Jason Furman
The Best Economics Books of 2024, recommended by Jason Furman
2024 was billed as the ‘year of elections’ but calling it the ‘year of economics’ might have been more apt as incumbent governments around the world were kicked out by high inflation, poor wage growth and continuing inequality. American economist Jason Furman recommends the best economics books of 2024, books that shed light on our current predicament and how to get out of it.