The 24-Hour Wine Expert
by Jancis Robinson
“It is just all the basics and the idea is that you can become a wine expert within 24 hours by reading this book. It’s a Penguin 4.99 paperback, something you really can stick in your pocket. It’s particularly the practical things: how to taste wine, what you do in a restaurant (what the point of all that is), wine faults, how to store it, what makes wine different colours, that sort of stuff.
People have said to me, asking me about this book, ‘How did you get all of The Oxford Companion into a hundred pages?’ That’s not the point at all. I didn’t start with all of The Oxford Companion to Wine and try and shrink it. It’s for an ordinary person who likes drinking wine and wants to know more about it. That’s all.”—Jancis Robinson
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