Recommendations from our site
“I just loved its ironies, which are of the sort that people often describe as ‘delicious’. Again I suppose it is the gap between perception and reality, and not just the narrator’s misunderstandings, but the readers’ expectations that are being constantly upended. I thought the ending was just perfect, too, although lots of people felt short-changed.” Read more...
The Funniest Historical Novels
Toby Clements, Journalist
“Absolutely and Forever is the coming-of-age story of a girl, Marianne, from a well-to-do family—boarding school, tennis courts, ponies—who, aged 15, falls ‘absolutely and forever’ in love with a boy. It doesn’t work out. The story may not be unusual in itself but in Rose Tremain’s hands it’s so ‘funny, piercing, singular’, as one critic described it, that it turns into a small masterpiece. Marianne may be as naïve and guileless as girls of her age in the 1960s were, but her sense of herself completely bewitches the reader. And Rose Tremain keeps a tight hold of her story. The book is short and may, to some, seem slight, but every word, every detail, is carefully chosen. It’s a book you can read a second and a third time and still find new aspects to admire.” Read more...
The Best Historical Fiction of 2024
Katharine Grant, Historical Novelist