Recommendations from our site
“Depending how you count, almost any nation could be portrayed as argumentative. But he uses this central theme to range over an amazing breadth of scholarship” Read more...
The best books on The Indian Economy
Kaushik Basu, Economist
“He shows that in fact there were roots of a democratic culture in India long before the British ever got there, and that is what he means by the ‘argumentative Indian’.” Read more...
The best books on The End of The West
David Marquand, Political Scientist
“The book does a tremendous job of giving you a sense of the many, many layers of history, of identities, that constitute this society. It goes back way into the past: it talks about medieval India, it talks about Islam in India, it talks about Buddhism, it talks about the Indian calendar. There’s an article on how India has many different calendars. Different people, different communities have had a very different sense of time. It really attests to the particular character of Indian society that it can accommodate within itself people living at very many different levels time-wise…The broad thesis that he offers is that there is a particular philosophical tradition – in fact not just one tradition but many traditions – in India that really stress the idea of discussion, of consensus-building through argumentation. He goes back to various philosophical discourses, various conversations that are part of Indian philosophy and part of Indian history, to stress this notion that the whole construction of what we now know as India, the modern nation state, the world’s largest democracy, isn’t something that’s just happened in the last 50 to 60 years.” Read more...
Pankaj Mishra, Political Commentator
“It’s definitely not the first book you should read on India, it’s for someone who knows the country well, but it’s a wonderfully erudite, discursive, witty, clever book.” Read more...
William Dalrymple, Travel Writer
Our most recommended books
India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy
by Ramachandra Guha -
The Argumentative Indian
by Amartya Sen -
Raag Darbari
by Shrilal Shukla (translated by Gillian Wright) -
The Mahabharata
by Anonymous & translated and abridged by John D. Smith -
Women Writing in India
by Susie Tharu and K Lalita (editors) -
There's Gunpowder in the Air
by Manoranjan Byapari, translated by Arunava Sinha