Recommendations from our site
“It was written in 1909 and it had an electrifying effect on America and in the formation of modern American capitalism. Teddy Roosevelt used the book in formulating his so-called “New Nationalism” which he presented to the country shortly thereafter. Barack Obama used the occasion marking Teddy Roosevelt’s speech in Kansas in 1911 on New Nationalism – I believe it was the 100th anniversary of the speech – to give what I consider the best speech of his presidency just last December, setting forth a similar set of problems and a similar set of solutions.” Read more...
The best books on Saving Capitalism and Democracy
Robert Reich, Economist
“The book provided the clearest distillation of American liberalism to date: ‘The use of Hamiltonian means to achieve Jeffersonian ends.’ From the foundation of this country, there was a great debate between Hamiltonians, who had a vision of a strong state, and Jeffersonians, who advocated a yeoman’s republic with limited government. The genius of that aphorism is that it synthesises what liberals believe. We believe in individual freedom – we just believe that you need a strong state to realise that vision.” Read more...
The best books on The Roots of Liberalism
Franklin Foer, Journalist
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