Politics & Society
Last updated: March 08, 2025
The best books on Journalism, recommended by Robert Cottrell
Newspaper journalism is on its way out, regrets the former foreign correspondent and Browser co-founder Robert Cottrell. He chooses four novels that reflect the golden days and a style guide that is an equally fine work of imagination.
Alastair Campbell on Leadership
Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former communications chief, takes a look at leadership in politics and in sport, recognising that ordinary citizens can show courageous moral leadership
The best books on Progress, recommended by Matthew Taylor
What makes the most successful societies tick? The RSA’s Matthew Taylor says we should recognise that relationships and values are more important than scientific or economic advances
The Best British Political Biographies, recommended by Douglas Hurd
The former British foreign secretary, Douglas Hurd, recommends five highly readable political biographies, looking at the lives of some of Britain’s best-known prime ministers of the last 150 years.
The best books on Who Terrorists Are, recommended by Jessica Stern
International terror expert Jessica Stern takes a close look at the mind of the terrorist. She explores why people are drawn to extreme violence and how, in many cases, terrorists can build their identities around ideologies that they hold in an ultimately shallow way
The best books on Lobbying, recommended by Mark Bloomfield
Is lobbying always a bad thing? Or can it be used to effect social change? Washington insider Mark Bloomfield gives a lobbyist’s perspective. He picks the best books on lobbying.
The best books on Human Rights, recommended by Shami Chakrabarti
Director of Liberty Shami Chakrabarti says Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a thinly veiled metaphor for the War on Terror
Rabbi Lionel Blue chooses his Favourite Books
Rabbi Lionel Blue chooses some of his favourite books. Fans may be surprised by his choices, but one thing is key: a happy ending.
The best books on Why Russia isn’t a Democracy, recommended by Martin Sixsmith
The former BBC Moscow correspondent and author Martin Sixsmith chooses five great works on Russia’s doomed democracies.
The best books on Rural Women in the Developing World, recommended by Khushi Kabir
The Bangladeshi campaigner for lifting women out of poverty says village life has been wrongly idealised. It is not a harmonious whole, with the elders looking after the interests of all the villagers alike