
Cal Flyn, Deputy Editor
Five Books deputy editor Cal Flyn is a writer from the Highlands of Scotland.
Her latest book, Islands of Abandonment—about the ecology and psychology of abandoned places—is out now. It has been shortlisted for the 2021 Baillie Gifford Prize, the Wainwright Prize for writing on global conservation, the British Academy Book Prize, and for the title of Scottish Nonfiction Book of the Year.
At Five Books, she interviews on subjects including literary fiction and nonfiction, psychology, nature, environment, and science fiction.
Interviews by Cal Flyn
The Best Books by Muriel Spark, recommended by Alan Taylor
This year marks the centenary of the birth of the novelist, poet and essayist Muriel Spark, a singular voice of 20th century literature. Her 22 novels are slim and entertaining says Alan Taylor, author of Appointment in Arezzo, but beneath the jeux d’esprit lies a fearsome intellect. Here he selects five of her key works.
The best books on Immersive Nonfiction, recommended by Will Storr
A good writer must always aim to write the truth – a more complex narrative than one of heroes and villains. But to find the truth, sometimes you’ve got to get up and go there yourself, says Will Storr, journalist and author of Selfie. Here he selects five books that have inspired his own immersive approach to nonfiction.
The Triple Focus: A New Approach to Education
by Daniel Goleman and Peter Senge -
Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning: Research and Practice
by ed. Durlak et al -
The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science
by ed. Seppälä et al -
Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind Can Heal the Heart
by Tara Bennett-Goleman -
Marrow: Love, Loss, and What Matters Most
by Elizabeth Lesser
The best books on Emotional Intelligence, recommended by Daniel Goleman
The best books on Emotional Intelligence, recommended by Daniel Goleman
We are taught to value intelligence and academic ability, but raw mental firepower does not always translate into success at work or a life of contentment. Just as important are the skills that make up ’emotional intelligence,’ says Daniel Goleman, whose bestselling book popularised the concept. Here he chooses five emotional intelligence books that explore its practical applications.
Swimming With Seals
by Victoria Whitworth -
Animals Strike Curious Poses
by Elena Passarello -
Science and Spiritual Practices: Transformative Experiences and their Effects on our Bodies, Brains and Health
by Rupert Sheldrake -
Islander: A Journey Around Our Archipelago
by Patrick Barkham -
The Seabirds Cry: The Lives and Loves of Puffins, Gannets and Other Ocean Voyagers
by Adam Nicolson
The Best Nature Writing of 2017, recommended by Charles Foster
The Best Nature Writing of 2017, recommended by Charles Foster
Sales of nature books have been booming, but only the most exacting of authors get right to the heart of our own interconnectedness with the natural world, says Charles Foster, bestselling author of Being A Beast. Here, he chooses five of the best books of nature writing published in 2017.
The Playdate: Parents, Children and the New Expectations of Play
by Tamara Mose -
Producing Excellence: The Making of Virtuosos
by Izabela Wagner -
Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street's Post-Crash Recruits
by Kevin Roose -
Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys
by Victor M Rios -
Close to Home: A Materialist Analysis of Women's Oppression
by Christine Delphy
The best books on Millennials, recommended by Malcolm Harris
The best books on Millennials, recommended by Malcolm Harris
The Millennial cohort is often characterised as a shallow, social media-obsessed generation that puts avocado toast ahead of the future. But in reality they are overeducated, underemployed and beset by anxiety, says Malcolm Harris, millennial and author of Kids These Days. Here he selects five books that paint a more accurate portrait of the first generation to come of age in the 21st century.
Homo Aestheticus: Where Art Comes From and Why
by Ellen Dissanayake -
Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain
by Semir Zeki -
The Neurobiology of Painting
by F Clifford Rose -
Feeling Beauty: The Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience
by G Gabrielle Starr -
Art, Aesthetics, and the Brain
by Ed. Huston & Nadal et al
The best books on The Neuroscience of Aesthetics, recommended by Anjan Chatterjee
The best books on The Neuroscience of Aesthetics, recommended by Anjan Chatterjee
Why is it that following a certain kind of brain damage, some artists’ work changes for the better? Neurologist and cognitive neuroscientist Anjan Chatterjee speaks to Five Books about how we can deconstruct the way the brain processes aesthetic experiences. He recommends the best books on neuroaesthetics
The Varieties of Religious Experience
by William James -
Moksha: Aldous Huxley's Classic Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience
by Aldous Huxley -
Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred
by Jeffrey J Kripal -
When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God
by Tanya Luhrmann -
Centuries of Meditations
by Thomas Traherne
The best books on Ecstatic Experiences, recommended by Jules Evans
The best books on Ecstatic Experiences, recommended by Jules Evans
States of ecstasy (from the ancient Greek ekstasis, meaning ‘standing outside’) are moments when you lose your ordinary sense of self and feel connected to something greater than you. It can be euphoric, but it can also be terrifying, says the philosopher Jules Evans. Here he selects five books that explore the significance and power of these surprisingly common experiences.
Amy Liptrot chooses the best of Nature Writing
Amy Liptrot, whose bestselling memoir The Outrun won the 2016 Wainwright Prize for nature writing, talks to Five Books about her favourite writing about landscape—and how her immersion in island life helped her recover from alcoholism.
The best books on Cognitive Neuroscience, recommended by Dick Passingham
Neuroscience has banished the problem of dualism—the ‘ghost in the machine’ mulled over by philosophists since the time of Descartes, says the renowned cognitive neuroscientist Professor Dick Passingham. Here, he chooses five books that signified major breakthroughs in this fast-advancing field.
The best books on Eating Meat, recommended by Louise Gray
What does it mean to be an ethical meat-eater? Author and journalist Louise Gray chooses five books that examine the impact of our omnivorous lifestyle, and explains why she spent a year only eating the animals she had killed herself.