Books by David Hume
“Hume is stupendously interesting. There are few questions where he doesn’t have something important to say. And yet, the main schools of international relations scholarship I mentioned earlier follow Hobbes, Kant and Hugo Grotius (the early international lawyer), with Hume not featuring much at all. I think he ought to, and that we need him right now.” Read more...
The best books on Geopolitics and Global Commerce
Paul Tucker, Economist
“I think it’s a remarkable book. The Dialogues were published after he died, though the Natural History of Religion was published in 1757…Hume thought it didn’t actually make much difference whether you believed that God did design the universe or whether you didn’t, because if you could say nothing about this God then it wasn’t a very interesting belief to hold.” Read more...
The best books on Morality Without God
Mary Warnock, Philosopher
“You find in this one book a comprehensive picture of how everything fits together: the epistemology, the account of human motivations, and the theory of ethics are all rolled in together, and you are led to see how these are part of a coherent whole.” Read more...
The best books on World Philosophy
Bryan Van Norden, Philosopher
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
by David Hume
Hume thought that overconfidence and dogmatism led to intolerance, to faction, to a lot of the crimes of human history.
Interviews where books by David Hume were recommended
Key Philosophical Texts in the Western Canon, recommended by Nigel Warburton
Even if you’ve never studied philosophy, it’s nice to be able to read a few books and get a sense of what it’s all about. Here, we asked our philosophy editor, Nigel Warburton, to talk us through five key works of Western philosophy—many of them in the public domain and available for free as ebooks—and explain why, despite one or two odd conclusions or quirky writing styles, they’ve played such an important role in expanding our understanding of the world.
The best books on David Hume, recommended by Simon Blackburn
Hume had a message he wanted to get out — particularly as regards skepticism about religion — but he was no proto-Richard Dawkins, says Cambridge philosopher, Simon Blackburn. He chooses the best books on (or by) David Hume.
Books that Inspired a Liberal Economist, recommended by Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman, Nobel prize-winning economist, Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times, and Emeritus Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton, discusses the books that most influenced his formation as a liberal economist.
The best books on World Philosophy, recommended by Bryan Van Norden
The study of philosophy in the Western world is often parochial, and limited to the study of the Anglo-European tradition. It’s time to widen our focus, advises the author and philosopher Bryan Van Norden. Here he selects five foundational texts of philosophical traditions worldwide.
Rebecca Goldstein on Reason and its Limitations
Baruch Spinoza thought reason could do it all, but experience tells us otherwise. Philosopher Rebecca Goldstein recommends both the books that made the best case for reason—and the most successful critiques.
The Best Philosophy Books of All Time, recommended by Nigel Warburton
Over the past decade our philosophy editor, Nigel Warburton, has been interviewing philosophers asking them to recommend the best philosophy books. After hundreds of interviews, this is our list of the books that have come up again and again. It reveals if not the best philosophy books ever written, at least a collection of very important and influential books.
Why I am not a Christian
by Bertrand Russell -
The Miracle of Theism: Arguments For and Against the Existence of God
by John Mackie -
Testament: Memoir of the Thoughts and Sentiments of Jean Meslier
by Jean Meslier -
Dialogues and Natural History of Religion
by David Hume -
In Gods We Trust: The Evolutionary Landscape of Religion
by Scott Atran
The best books on Atheist Philosophy of Religion, recommended by Graham Oppy
The best books on Atheist Philosophy of Religion, recommended by Graham Oppy
From the work of an 18th century atheist priest, to recent research in the cognitive anthropology of religion, atheist philosopher of religion Graham Oppy discusses the books that have been most influential to him.
The best books on Atheism, recommended by Julian Baggini
Which are the best books on atheism? The British philosopher Julian Baggini, author of Atheism: A Very Short Introduction, chooses his top five.
The best books on God, recommended by Anthony Gottlieb
The philosopher and former executive editor of The Economist, Anthony Gottlieb, discusses religion and suggests that belief in God only truly declines in a society when economic development brings existential security.
The best books on Morality Without God, recommended by Mary Warnock
Which comes first, morality or religion? And what happens when religious dogma clashes with the morality it purports to uphold? British philosopher Mary Warnock recommends the best books on morality without God.
In the Beginning was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument
by Bernard Williams -
A Treatise of Human Nature
by David Hume -
Justice Among the Nations: A History of International Law
by Stephen Neff -
Legitimacy in International Society
by Ian Clark -
Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power
by Xuetong Yan
The best books on Geopolitics and Global Commerce, recommended by Paul Tucker
The best books on Geopolitics and Global Commerce, recommended by Paul Tucker
For centuries humanity has struggled with how to build an international order based on law and agreed principles, rather than force and the threat of war. In today’s multi-polar world understanding how such an order might and could be shaped has taken on a renewed urgency. Here, Paul Tucker, a fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, chooses five books on geopolitics and global commerce.