Books by F. Scott Fitzgerald
F Scott’s Fitzgerald’s (1896- 1940) most famous book is probably The Great Gatsby, set during a hedonistic zenith before the Great Depression. Professor Sarah Churchwell told us about the best books about The Great Gatsby including recommending a Scott Fitzgerald biography “It came out in 1951, when many of the people who knew Fitzgerald were still alive.”.
“The book showcases both the allure and the ricketiness of the American dream. The story shows the American dream is fragile despite its potency and persistence. It shows its perpetual obsolescence. We often hear that it’s harder to rise from the bottom to the top in the US than it is in many other countries. Even in Fitzgerald’s day, the fluidity of society was fading. Perhaps The Great Gatsby still seems germane because of the way it showed the mismatch between American actualities and American ideals, the two-faced character of the American dream, its materialism and idealism.” Read more...
“It’s about a studio executive called Monroe Stahr… Fitzgerald never really did make anything much at the movies, but he wrote this wonderful book which is his last and, though it’s sadly unfinished, I think would have been maybe his best. It’s not insidery: it manages to be a story that everybody can understand, and I suppose we’re all fascinated by the movies.” Read more...
Marina Hyde, Journalist
Interviews where books by F. Scott Fitzgerald were recommended
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The Great American Novel, recommended by Lawrence Buell
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Books About The Great Gatsby, recommended by Sarah Churchwell
F Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, set during a hedonistic zenith before the Great Depression, has fresh appeal today as we face down our own crisis, says American literature professor Sarah Churchwell, author of a biography of The Great Gatsby. She talks us through books to better understand the novel, its author and the era it was set in.
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