Books by John Kaag
John Kaag is Professor and Chair of Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. His books include Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are and American Philosophy: A Love Story, which was named a 2016 NPR Book of the Year and New York Times Editor’s Choice. His recent books have focused on philosopher and psychologist William James.
Be Not Afraid of Life: In the Words of William James
by John Kaag, Jonathan van Belle & William James
This book is a selection of writings by William James, the 19th-century American intellectual who not only founded the school of philosophy known as Pragmatism and made a huge contribution to the emerging field of psychology, but was also very interested in the spiritual. He's relevant today because he asked some of the big questions about the value of life, freedom, and the experience of consciousness. The book is edited with an introduction by John Kaag (author of Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life) and Jonathan van Belle.
Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life
by John Kaag
William James, one of the founders of pragmatism and empirical psychology, struggled with the question of what made life worth living. In this book, philosopher John Kaag—who spoke to us about the best books of American philosophy—explains how James's ideas can help those of us who struggle with the same question.
“Hiking With Nietzsche a very skillful combination of narrative about Nietzsche’s life intermingled with John Kaag’s past, but also his present, where he’s found a different kind of satisfaction. If you really want to fill in the details, you need to read American Philosophy: A Love Story because that explains some of the story about where he is now, who he’s married to, and how that came about.” Read more...
The Best Philosophy Books of 2018
Nigel Warburton, Philosopher
“Kreps and Kaag are political theorists; they are interested in the implications of drone warfare for democracy.” Read more...
The best books on Drone Warfare
Hugh Gusterson, Anthropologist
Interviews with John Kaag
The best books on American Philosophy, recommended by John Kaag
Should we be moral? Should we love? John Kaag, philosopher and author of American Philosophy: A Love Story and Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are, puzzles how five American Pragmatist and Transcendentalist philosophers quarrel with these searching questions and other timeless subjects, from faith and belief to human rights.
Interviews where books by John Kaag were recommended
The best books on Drone Warfare, recommended by Hugh Gusterson
The introduction of drones “makes possible perpetual war without costs”, warns the anthropology professor and security expert Hugh Gusterson. Here he selects the best books that examine their ethical, psychological and political impact upon 21st century warfare.
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny
by Kate Manne -
Aristotle's Way: How Ancient Wisdom Can Change Your Life
by Edith Hall -
I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Nietzsche
by Sue Prideaux -
Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are
by John Kaag -
Being and Nothingness
by Jean-Paul Sartre & Sarah Richmond (translator)
The Best Philosophy Books of 2018, recommended by Nigel Warburton
The Best Philosophy Books of 2018, recommended by Nigel Warburton
What can Nietzsche and Aristotle teach us about how to live? Should everyone read Being and Nothingness? From a philosophical approach to misogyny to an interrogation of whether it’s morally acceptable to have a Facebook account, philosopher Nigel Warburton introduces us to the best philosophy books of 2018.