Books by Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan (1934- 1996) was an American astronomer, cosmologist and author,
“Pale Blue Dot is a contemplation on humanity, and our future. It asks who we are and where we came from, in order to understand where we are going. In particular, it examines the possibilities of space travel within our solar system and to other stars over the next few centuries. The thing I found most compelling about it was how it described the science of these endeavours in such evocative — indeed poetic — ways. I hadn’t realised it was even possible to write like this, combining clarity, accuracy and beauty, and it made a great impression on me.” Read more...
Toby Ord, Philosopher
“It explains 14 billion years of the evolution of the universe, a sort of engineering experiment on the largest possible scale. It spans all scales of space and time, describing everything from the largest scales of the universe to the smallest scales of molecules and atoms. It’s a good book for putting everything in perspective.” Read more...
Ante Shoda, Scientist
“It’s a reflection, at the end of his life, on the dangers of superstition and of faith. It’s very well written and a lot more succinct than his more popular book, The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark which was a big bestseller in the US. That’s a bit bloated. This book is much more concise, much more tightly argued. It makes a good case for basing your actions on rationality rather than superstition and he talks about the dangers of not doing so from his experiences in fighting medical quackery, UFOs, the purported existence of canals on Mars etc.” Read more...
The best books on The Incompatibility of Religion and Science
Jerry Coyne, Biologist
“He holds your hand and shows you the wonders of science and the universe. The Demon-Haunted World is probably his best book.” Read more...
Books on the Wonders of The Universe
Philip Plait, Physicist
“It captures a unique moment in the history of human discovery. It’s a combination of the transcript of that panel discussion – which took place the day before the Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars in 1971 – and essays that the panel participants wrote roughly one year later. The transcript and the essays book-end one of the most spectacular unveilings we’ve had in the history of solar system exploration. The book combines the scientific with the poetic. It includes a couple of poems by Ray Bradbury, whom I think of as the poet laureate of space” Read more...
The best books on Space Exploration
Andrew Chaikin, Science Writer
“This is a great book. It was published in 1966 and I read it in 1968, the year Apollo 8 circumnavigated the moon. …This is the first astrobiology book. A dozen or more astrobiology books have appeared over the last ten years, it’s become such a hot topic, but many of them repeat this book. Certainly our knowledge of the planets has increased since then. But the underlying principles are still all expounded in this book. It has everything from cosmology, the origin of the universe, all the way up to searching for intelligent life and first contact.” Read more...
The best books on Life Below the Surface of the Earth
Tullis Onstott, Environmentalist
Interviews where books by Carl Sagan were recommended
The best books on Life Below the Surface of the Earth, recommended by Tullis Onstott
The ‘subterranaut’ describes how the discovery of ancient bacteria miles beneath the Earth’s surface opens the possibility of finding life on Mars. He picks five books that show how our knowledge of life deep in this planet could lead us to discover it elsewhere.
The best books on Life Beyond Earth, recommended by James Kasting
Geoscience professor and NASA adviser James Kasting talks us through the scientific possibilities for life beyond earth. He recommends books by both ‘optimists. and ‘pessimists.’
Life on Earth
by David Attenborough -
On the Generation of Animals (Contained in The Works of William Harvey)
by William Harvey -
Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution
by Robert Carroll -
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
by Richard Feynman -
Intelligent Life in the Universe
by Carl Sagan & Iosif Shklovsky
The best books on Accessible Science, recommended by David Bainbridge
The best books on Accessible Science, recommended by David Bainbridge
The Clinical Veterinary Anatomist from Cambridge chooses five books on popular science and discusses evolution, paleontology and quantum physics
The best books on Space Exploration, recommended by Andrew Chaikin
Space historian Andrew Chaikin tells us about five books that capture the thrill and achievement of our venturing into the great beyond. He picks the best books on space exploration.
Books on the Wonders of The Universe, recommended by Philip Plait
Philip Plait urges us to remember that “science isn’t an encyclopedia of facts to memorise. It’s alive.” The astronomer and author of the acclaimed Bad Astronomy blog discusses books that can’t help but light the fire of interest in all things astronomical. He looks at how we can date the age of the universe, the danger of solar flares, and why Pluto is no longer classed as a planet.
The best books on Being Sceptical, recommended by James Randi
Former magician and internationally renowned debunker of paranormal claims James Randi sharpens his knives against proponents of flim-flam, pseudoscience and the so-called paranormal – and tells us where the creator of Sherlock Holmes went badly wrong. He selects the best books on scepticism for Five Books.
The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God
by Carl Sagan -
The Atheist's Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life without Illusions
by Alex Rosenberg -
God in the Age of Science?: A Critique of Religious Reason
by Herman Philipse -
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
by Daniel Dennett -
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
by Andrew Dickson White
The best books on The Incompatibility of Religion and Science, recommended by Jerry Coyne
The best books on The Incompatibility of Religion and Science, recommended by Jerry Coyne
Embracing a scientific worldview excludes the possibility of also believing in God, says evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne. He picks five non-accommodationist books.
The Simple Science of Flight: From Insects to Jumbo Jets
by Henk Tennekes -
by Carl Sagan -
In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World
by Ian Stewart -
Power Speed and Form: Engineers in the Making of the Twentieth Century
by David P. Billington and David P. Billington & Jr -
Ausgepowert: Das Ende des Olzeitalters als Chance
by Marcel Hänggi
The best books on Engineering, recommended by Ante Shoda
The best books on Engineering, recommended by Ante Shoda
What should a budding engineer—or even an experienced one—read for a better understanding of the science and trade? And how does engineering help make our lives better every day? Ante Shoda, an engineer for Honda Racing in California, recommends the best books for a fundamental understanding of engineering.
Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History
by David Christian -
Origins: How The Earth Made Us
by Lewis Dartnell -
The Five Ages of the Universe: Inside the Physics of Eternity
by Fred Adams & Gregory Laughlin -
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space
by Carl Sagan -
by Greg Egan
The best books on Big History, recommended by Toby Ord
The best books on Big History, recommended by Toby Ord
‘Big history’ looks at history on the timescale of the Earth and the universe, rather than just the short period of time that humanity has been around. Here, Toby Ord, a moral philosopher at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute, recommends books to get a handle on it, and explains why now is a critical time for Homo sapiens.