The Best Fiction Books » Historical Fiction

Classic Historical Fiction Set in Ancient Rome

Ever since the ruins of an ancient civilization started to be discovered around Italy, ancient Rome has captured the imagination and inspired writers. Here we've collected together all the novels about ancient Rome and its empire that have been recommended on Five Books, from an 18th-century bestseller to the last novel by one of the great fantasy authors of our time.

Recommended by Five Books editors and interviewees

Amidst the buildings that survive—like the Colosseum where gladiators fought to the death and the villas and shops of Pompeii—ancient Rome can seem both tantalizingly close and very far away.  Nor are its remnants purely visual: We also have access to the work of Roman poets and historians, and the correspondence and extensive writings of Cicero, a senator as Rome changed from republic to empire. This makes for novels about the period that are often rich in historical detail and a lot of fun. We’ve listed some classics of the genre below:

Interview by Five Books editors and interviewees

December 29, 2024

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